Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Project 365 ~ Day 20 (January 20, 2009)

Today is Inauguration Day as Americans celebrate the 44th President of the United States, Barrack Hussein Obama, taking oath to be our leader. He is the first African-American president of the United States. The office of president is the most powerful position in all the world. What lays heavy on my mind today is the fact that our 43rd President, George W. Bush, steps down from the oval office leaving his shoes to be filled by another man. I admire President Bush and everything that he has done for our country. He tells us that he would make different decisions about some things if he the chance to redo them. But what I especially don't like is the bum rap that many Americans have given the man! He stepped into office when the country was not happy about the previous president (Bill Clinton)'s actions. He had a negative start due to that presidency, plus only nine months into office we had the worse terrorist attack in our history. That for one thing disrupted all of our lives. It also started the recession! President Bush did keep his promise to us and kept us safe from another terrorist attack for the next 8 years of his presidency. Because of him, our homeland security was made stronger, our military was made stronger, new "things" were put into place for our protection, etc. Our country has prospered under President Bush! Our country's financial crisis is not because of him. It is due to the "liberals" putting into place a fair housing program for everyone to be able to buy homes, even if they could not pay the mortgage. Banks were offering loans to lower income people. When they could not pay back the loans, the banks lost money and a higher authority had to take over where the banks couldn't. And if things don't change or mistakes are not corrected, it can only get worse. On the other hand, we have a lot of reasons to thank President George W. Bush! Our country has always been one to help the oppressed. Yes, we went to war in Iraq. Things did not turn out as well as we had hoped and that could not have been foreseen by our president. Still, Iraq is now our ally instead of a foe, and Saddam Hussein is no longer a threat to us or to Iraqis. We need to continue to lead the world in fighting for everyone's freedom! If we don't stand up for our freedom and show others that they can have it too, then what do we stand for? It would no longer be for freedom if we don't take the stand! Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and faith in God. President Bush stands for everything that our forefathers stood for. God tells us to not kill, yet killing babies is murder! God tells us that homosexuality is wrong, yet there are those who pick and choose what they want to believe in the Bible. "They" would rather not offend anyone yet they don't think twice about offending God! Please pray and continue to do so for our country and that God will find favor upon us. So many future actions are at stake. It only takes one bending of the rules for future rules to be bent. God is still on His throne. Let us not forget.

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